Charter yachts anchored in the Caribbean Sea

Biograd - Biograd (7 days - 136 NM)

Biograd - Uglijan - Molat - Ilovik - Pag - Vir - Iz - Biograd


Embárcate en un viaje inolvidable por las hermosas islas del archipiélago de Zadar, en la costa del Adriático, donde la historia, la naturaleza y la tranquilidad se entrelazan en un recorrido marítimo único. Este itinerario de ocho días te llevará a explorar un paraíso de aguas cristalinas, playas escondidas y pueblos pintorescos, comenzando en la histórica ciudad de Biograd. Desde ahí, navegarás hacia islas como Uglijan, Molat, Ilovik, Pag, Vir e Iz, cada una con su propio encanto y secretos por descubrir. Ya sea paseando por antiguas fortalezas, disfrutando de la serenidad de playas aisladas o degustando la exquisita gastronomía local, cada día de esta travesía promete nuevas sorpresas y experiencias.


¡Sigue leyendo y descubre qué maravillas te esperan en esta inolvidable travesía!


La ruta propuesta es solo orientativa y está sujeta a cambios. Cualquier error o modificación en el contenido no dará lugar a reclamaciones. Si desea visitar otros destinos, la ruta puede ajustarse a sus preferencias. En caso de alquilar una embarcación con patrón, éste podrá realizar modificaciones en el itinerario debido a causas imprevistas o factores fuera del control de la organización.

Day 1: Biograd - Uglijan ( 16MN )

Biograd - Uglijan ( 16MN ) Biograd is a town in northern Dalmatia, Croatia, and is important for being the former capital of the medieval Croatian Kingdom. The territory is administratively part of Zadar County. There you can visit places like the Biograd amusement park which has an iconic Ferris wheel and different performances for the little ones. There is also the possibility to go to the large beach of Soline, surrounded by food stores, light-colored sand and crystal clear waters.

Day 2: Uglijan - Molat ( 20 MN )

Uglijan - Molat ( 20 MN ) Uglajan is a Croatian island and the first of the Zadar archipelago. It is located northwest of the island of Pasman and southeast of the islands of Rivanj and Sestrunj. To visit, you will find places like the port of Zadar one of the most importants in the area. There is also the possibility to visit the sea organ, an architectural sound art object that plays music through the waves of the sea. 

Day 3: Molat - Ilovik ( 22MN )

Molat - Ilovik ( 22MN ) Molat is an island in the Adriatic Sea. It is located near Zadar, southeast of Ist, separated by the Zapuntel Strait. In warm weather, dolphins can be spotted near the coast. On land, there is the option of visiting the Romanesque church of St. Mary, or the center of the island where the duke's court is located, which dates back to the 15th century and was the government of the city.

Day 4: Ilovik - Pag ( 21MN )

Ilovik - Pag ( 21MN ) The island of Ilovik is relatively close to Sveti Petar, separated by 2.5 km. The small village is dotted with small beaches full of Mediterranean vegetation and countless boat routes to discover the island.

Day 5: Pag - Vir ( 15MN )

Pag - Vir ( 15MN ) The island of Pag is located north of Zadar and is one of the largest islands in Croatia and the one with the longest coastline. It is known for its famous sheep's cheese, paski sir. The town of Pag is located in a bay where you can visit the Collegiate Church of the Assumption of St. Mary, which has a Gothic portal and a Renaissance rosette. Also, near the beach of Zrce you can find discos open 24 hours and dancing areas by the sea.

Day 6: Vir - Iz ( 19MN )

Vir - Iz ( 19MN ) Vir is an island on the Croatian coast of the Adriatic Sea with an area of 22 square kilometers, which has numerous beaches such as Lucica, with crystal clear waters where you can enjoy complete relaxation. There are also monuments like the castle of Kastelina which can be visited on foot and at the same time enjoy the view of the clean and clear waters.

Day 7: Iz - Biograd ( 23MN )

Iz - Biograd ( 23MN ) Iz is an island in the Zadar archipelago with an area of 18 square kilometers and a population of 700 inhabitants. It has the huge bridge Zdrelac which has a length of 210 meters and 12 meters wide that connects with different islands. It also has beaches with crystal clear waters where you can leave the rental boat a few meters from it and enjoy the tranquility and warm climate. 

Day 8: Biograd Marina

Biograd Marina
El último día de este increíble recorrido por la costa del Adriático nos lleva de regreso a Biograd, donde nuestra travesía por el archipiélago de Zadar llega a su fin. Después de siete días de navegación, exploración y relajación, el regreso a la Marina de Biograd es el momento perfecto para reflexionar sobre la experiencia vivida. Es hora de devolver el barco de alquiler, completar el check-out y despedirse de las aguas cristalinas y las hermosas islas que han sido nuestro hogar durante toda la semana.

Biograd, con su rica historia y su ambiente relajado, será el lugar ideal para cerrar este viaje con broche de oro. ¡Nos despedimos, pero con la promesa de que las maravillas del Adriático siempre estarán ahí, esperando ser redescubiertas!

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