There are many sports that are practiced at sea, but some are more unknown than others. And more and more new ones emerge, like these. But, it looks a lot like some you already know, you'll see.
From Today, we start a series of posts designed to bring you closer to all the members of our team of nautical advisors. The same sailing experts who assist you when you contact us.
When you are not on a voyage sailing or off the boat visiting places on land, there are times on board when the time can be used in another way.
Have you never rented a boat to sail? Have you rented before but it didn't work out? So one of the things that you will value most is close, honest and professional treatment, like at TSCH.
When you return from a trip, memories remain, many of them immortalized in photographs. Specially landscapes, right? See how to improve them.
We give you a few useful tips to pack the ideal luggage for your next trip aboard a boat. Follow them all and you won't go wrong with your suitcase.
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