Thanks to our recent collaboration agreement with RIB SPECTATOR, you will be able to enjoy the excitement of competition aboard one of their inflatable boats.
One of the important questions to decide when you are going to organize your sailing trip is how long to reserve the chosen boat. Well, here we tell you.
If you would like to know which of all the boats available for rent is the most suitable for you, perhaps reading this post will help you a little.
Actually, we could talk here, not only about why it is better to sail on alternative dates, but also about traveling in general.
This time we bring you a different interview because they are some of our clients with the most experience sailing who wanted to share with you their opinion about sailing with us.
Si cuando haces la lista de lo que te vas a llevar en tu próximo viaje en barco no incluyes alguna de ellas te vas a arrepentir... Así que, toma nota.
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TOPSAILINGCHARTER ACAV MEMBER AND PARTNER, TOPSAILINGCHARTER is part of the Catalan Association of Travel Agencies - ACAV, what qualifies TOPSAILINGCHARTER as a travel agency to comply with all current regulations and quality assurance seal.
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