100 m anchor chain, cockpit window in the aft cabin, electric WC in the forward cabin, shower in the cockpit (hot/cold water)
12 V / 2600 W - 100 A, air conditioning - 28,000 BTU - 3 units: saloon - forward - aft cabins, 135 litre refrigerator
12 V sockets and 220 V sockets
2 fans for superstructure hatches, floor lighting in saloon, indirect lighting in saloon and cabins, LED ceiling lighting in saloon and cabins - dimmable, SLS - Scenario Light System - touch screen controller and dimmer in saloon and forward cabin
2 triangles, autopilot, barometer, diesel canister with spout, binoculars, GPS, course calculator
220V electric shore connection cable, 25 m
220V/12 V converter, cabin lighting
4 high-end 2-way speakers in the saloon, 2 high-end 2-way speakers in the cockpit, FUSION remote control in the cockpit
Adapter cable, automatic charger 220 V
Additional fridge in galley, Additional fridge in cockpit on port side, Mattresses in all cabins
Anchor locker, Anchor light, Automatic charger 220V, Swimming ladder, Electric bilge pump, Bimini
Automatic waistcoats with lifebelt or crotch strap
Battened mainsail
Boat hook, bosun's chair, bow and stern pulpit, steamer light, deck brush, dinghy, double sea railing
Clock, VHF radio, Windex, anemometer
Cockpit cushion
Cockpit table
Colour plotter at the helm
Composite bowsprit with integrated anchor and forestay fitting with double roller incl. 2nd forestay and gennaker eye, genoa rails for 105% jib incl. trolley with pinstop
Distress signals, life raft (for the authorised number of persons)
Electric 2 x LEWMAR 50 EST EVO halyard winches, 2 LEWMAR 45 ST EVO genoa winches, automatic folding bathing platform with remote control, davits, 2 folding helmsman's seats
Electric anchor winch, holding tank, halyard winches 2 pieces, fenders 6-8 pieces
Electric bathing platform
electric cool box/fridge, fresh water
Electric toilet: 1
Electric winch
Fan heater 230 V, inverter
Fire extinguisher
Flexiteak on the cockpit floor - cockpit benches - helmsman's seats and bathing platform, footrests for helmsman, centre cleats, 1500 W electric anchor/mooring winch with circuit breaker and remote control with anchor chain counter
Folding propeller
Folding saloon table
Furling Genua
Furniture - French Oak, floor - Delight Oak, cockpit table with teak - can be lowered electrically to form a sunbathing area incl. cushions and extension of the cockpit seating area to starboard, side access for railing
Halogen hand lamps, bilge pumps, leak plugs
Helm position: 2
Hot water, safe, wifi
Lazy Jacks
Life-Line safety system, fog horn, emergency flashing light, emergency bell, first-aid kit
Lifebuoy with floating line, torch
Mast steps, GRP steering wheels, QUANTUM AC5 Performance sails - fully battened - triradial, Dyneema halyards for mainsail and headsail, Selden MDS mainsail slide system, floor lighting in cockpit and companionway
Mooring lines 4 pieces (30 m), fresh water, gangway, main anchor with 50 m chain
National flag, N- and C-flag, position lights, jetty, towline 25 m, sheet winches 2 pieces
Navigation lights, emergency tiller, bearing compass, nautical charts + nautical guides
Pressurised water system with pantry + WC taps
Rollo mit Fliegengitter für Decksluken, Rollo für Rumpffenster, Plissee für Seitenkabinendachfenster, FUSION APOLLO MS-RA770 Multimedia-Radio mit Wi-Fi und Touchscreen - für Salon und Cockpit, Subwoofer mit integriertem Verstärker im Salon
Sail meter, illuminated steering compass, sum log and echo sounder
Second forestay with furling system, 3-blade folding propeller, throttle lever on instrument panel, inverter/charger
Shroud cutter, toolbox, yacht and engine key
Sink in the pantry, Gas cooker (2-3 burners), crockery, cutlery, coffee filter
sprayhood, 1 diving mask and snorkel, second anchor with lead anchor line
Teak bathing platform
Teak in the cockpit
Thermos flasks, pots, pans, kettles, drinking glasses, wine glasses, shot glasses