Charter yachts anchored in the Caribbean Sea

Yacht charter in Regio Calabria

From 10.577.998,94$
From 10.577.998,94$

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Regio Calabria, city and port in southern Italy, and capital of the province of the same name, in the region of Calabria beside the Straits of Mesina and facing Sicily, stretches to 236 km².

Regio Calabria is noted for its long coasts and the nearby mountains. Indeed, one can easily spend some hours on the beach or bathing in the lidos of the Falcomatà Maritime Walk, and still have time to reach the marvellous mountains of Aspromonte, or if you wish, you can simply spend the night in the lidos at the beach, which transform themselves into beer cellars and discoteques.

Regio Calabria’s climate is typically Mediterranean on the Tirreno Sea side, and subtropical on the side of the Ionio Sea, a temperate climate characterised by the daily sea breezes blowing from the north.