Additional service batteries
Bar integrated in saloon table with reversible tray
Battery controller
Bimini top
Code 0 preparation (bowsprit, furling system, bobstays, blocks, and deck fittings)
Combined battery charger 70 amps - Inverter 12V/220V - 1600VA
Davit system for electric lifting of the dinghy
Design chrome-polished reading lamps
Designer floor lamps with dimmer
Electric aft saloon swing door with hydraulic cylinder
Electric WC
Electrical winches
Engines 2 x 50hp
Folding seat for chart table
Full batten main sail
Gas oven
Gas stove
Genset Generator 7KW 50hz
Helmstation seat cushions (seats and backrests)
Hifi radio Fusion 4HP Bluetooth (Salon & Foredeck)
Hot and cold cockpit shower
Indirect headboard lighting
Leather reading lamp at the chart table
Magazine pockets in the master suites
Manually tilting saloon door
Padded headband and headboard
Padded saloon cushions with armrests
Plancha with gas installation
Pot clamp on the cooktop
Ray marine remote control for automatic pilot
Raymarine Electronic PACK
Safety equipment for 8 people with life raft
Saloon courtesy lighting
Saloon table with bar
Seats for aft bench (seats and backrests)
Side sliding windows
Swimming ladder
Triradial Code 0 (63m²) with anti-torsion cable
Washer-dryer 230V