Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, and of the province of the same name, as well as of the Barcelonese region, in the north east of Spain. It lies on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea; some 120km south of the Pyrenean mountain chain, and of the French border, on a plain flanked by the sea, on the east, the coastal mountain range, to the west, the river Llobregat, to the south, and the river Besós to the north.
Barcelona has played host to diverse world events, which have contributed to give form to the city, and bring to it international recognition. The most important of these events were the Universal Exhibition of 1888, and that of 1929, and the summer Olympic games in 1992.
Following the opening of the city to the sea, which was begun in the 1980’s, the sea front has developed into one of the most popular leisure centres in Barcelona, from the Muelle de la Madera and the surroundings of the Palacio de Mar, up to the Ramble de mar, and the zone of the Olympic port. Furthermore, the beaches of Sant Sebastià, la Barceloneta, Nueva Icària, Bogatell, Mar Bella and Nueva Mar Bella, which together measure more than 4 kilometres receive annually around six million visitors, and have everything one could need for an enjoyable day on the beach.
Barcelona’s museums are home to a valuable heritage. Their aim is to conserve and also to divulgate the heritage contained in them, through exhibitions and creative activities. The response of the public is one of the keys to improving the museums’ work. The combined number of visitors in the fifty or so centres in Barcelona is around 7 million per year. Outstanding in this respect is the Picasso Museum (with an important part of the painter’s work on show, apart from timely exhibitions). And the Joan Miró Foundation.)
Barcelona has a pleasant climate for most of the year. However the best time is from May to the end of July. September is also a good month, although August tends to be very hot during the day (sometimes reaching 34ºC, or 95ºF).
It is still quite pleasant in October and November, but starts to get a bit cool (between 15ºC and 21ºC) One does not see the radiant sun every day, and one must be prepared for the occasional rains.
Palamós is a municipality on the Costa Brava in the province of Gerona, and in the region of Baix Empordà . It is considered as a town. Its commercial port is the third largest in Catalonia next to Barcelona and Tarragona. Right in the Costa Brava, on the Girona coast, one finds this town set in with its excellent beaches and leisure opportunities. The uneven coastal relief offers wide sandy beaches just as it does small coves of clear water between the rocks.
The bay of fine sand of Palamós breaks the contours of the cliffs that protagonize the form of the Costa Brava. It has been here since the XII century, this town, formerly a fishing village, which now has important leisure and tourist qualities. The beaches, coves, nautical installations, and the fishing port are the major attractions, although we must not forget the mediaeval traces of its old town. From the nearby plateau of Les Gavarres one can see the whole coastal profile, and this is exceptional hiking country, or any sport connected with Nature.
The fishing port, at the foot of the old town, is the beginning of the city. The yachts here change places with boats and fishing boats, which return each day with recently caught fish. It is worthwhile visiting the Fish Market, where Mediterranean products are sold or auctioned. The Fishing Museum also helps bring the visitor nearer to one of the important economic activities of the Baix Empordà.
Fish and seafood form a part of the traditional Mediterranean diet, deeply rooted in the Catalonian culture. In Palamós shrimps, eaten fried, cooked, or stewed in a multitude of ways, are an outstanding feature. Sea urchins, crayfish, cuttlefish and squibs are combined with game birds, cod or snails, creating recipes halfway between land and sea.
Any trip around the city will pass interesting monuments such as the churches of Santa Eugenia de Villarromá or Santa María del Mar in the urban centre. The Murada square and the El Pedró square are the major viewpoints in Palamós, one overlooking the bay, and the other the sports harbour. Moreover, important archaeological remains of the Iberians are located in the Castell beach, while one can find the medieval castle of Sant Esteve in the La Fosca beach.
Most of our fleet is based in Palma.
Palma’s harbour is the largest and most important of those of the Balearic Islands.
The yacht club in the heart of the Bay of Palma has 946 berths, a waiting dock, electricity, water, a refuelling station, 24-hour security (guards and surveillance equipment), showers, a parking area, waste collection, recycling points, diving services, a laundry, a travel lift and a crane. Additionally, a supermarket, a chemist’s, a market, banks, a hospital and car hire services can be found in the vicinity of the club.
Majorca’s only airport (Son Sant Joan) is 10 km away from Palma.
Ciudadela was formerly the capital of Minorca. Its harbour is hidden away in a narrow cove that is more than a kilometre long. The harbour is used by commercial, fishing and passenger boats, although a number of berths are available for recreational vessels passing through. The harbour has 174 berths, a refuelling station, a bar and restaurant, a workshop, a maritime channel, drinking water and a crane service. It also provides meteorological information.
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