10 Curiosities about the seas and oceans


Here we reveal the most interesting facts that we know about the great mass of water that covers more than half of our planet.


How much water is there in the world?

More than 70% of the Earth's surface is covered by this element and more than 96% of that volume is found in the oceans.



How much do we really know?

It is calculated that only 10% can have been explored, at the moment...



Are some areas protected?

Yes, of course, approximately 10%, and the main reasons are: not to exhaust natural resources and protect species in danger of extinction.



Why do tides occur?

They are changes in sea level caused by the gravitational action exerted by the Moon and the Sun on our planet.



How do waves form?

The wind is the main cause when it touches the surface waters, although it can also be caused by earthquakes, large landslides or underwater volcanic eruptions. As a consequence of these last things, the waves would be enormous, they are known as 'tsunamis'.



How serious is the issue of microplastics?

The most common waste material in the seas and oceans is plastic, which has many toxic compounds of necessity. Fragments of less than 5 millimeters are considered microplastics, which end up in the water of the planet, arriving there in a thousand ways. Then, they swallow the aquatic species that humans end up consuming as part of our fish and seafood diet.



What is the average temperature of water on Earth?

The latest data from the study alert that a historical maximum has already been reached: 21.1ºC, as a global average. The highest since 45 years ago. That figure is a consequence of the climate change that affects our planet with the increase of CO2. The problem is that the increase in temperature is slowly killing the coral reefs that house an extraordinary biodiversity and seriously endangers the marine ecosystems.



How many marine species are there?

According to recent studies on marine life, there are around 250,000 species. However, let's not forget that more than 90% of the oceanic mass remains to be explored.



The great importance of maritime transport

Since many years ago, commerce has also progressed and, above all, thanks to sea transport. Currently, 90% of the movement of goods between countries is carried out by this medium.



En el mar, está todo "lo más..."

The largest animal in the world is the Antarctic blue whale. The highest mountain on Earth is not Everest but the volcano Mauna Kea in Hawaii (in total, it measures 10,200m from its base, which is underwater). And, on the contrary, the deepest point on the planet is the Challenger Abyss, located in the Mariana Trench (almost 11km below sea level) in the western Pacific Ocean.


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