Чартерные лодки на якорь в Карибском море



This time we bring you a different interview because they are some of our clients with the most experience sailing who wanted to share with you their opinion about sailing with us.

1. Could you explain to us what you consider your level of sailing experience to be and if you have obtained any qualifications for it?


C- Well... We were both dinghy sailors for a long time, Catalan skate sailors. Then... the two...

T- You more than me

C- Me more than you. For 5 years I was sailing skate racing. Then, we sold the skates and bought a boat of about 10 meters

T_ A Sirocco

C- And we were also sailing for another 10 years or something like that throughout the Mediterranean. And I am a Yacht Skipper and she has enough qualifications to take a Mallorquina that we have inherited from her wonderful father with which we sail around Cadaqués



2. Explain to us a little how sailing is different from other ways of traveling


C- Man... Sailing is fantastic because it is escape. When you travel, normally, you look for different places, different places to... Sailing too, but sailing is an escape. Getting on board a boat is forgetting about the world and for me it is...

T- And the landscape has a completely different perspective.

C- And then the sea looks the same every day but every day is different, right?...

T- You always discover something new.

C- Yes. And always sailing with my wife, this is important.



3. If the sensation you felt while sailing were a song, what would it be?


C- The first one that came to mind was Here comes the sun, which is a song to optimism, to the dawn, to the fact that a better world is coming... to the fact that the best is yet to come. This is the feeling that comes to me. I don't know if you have a song...

T- No, I haven't thought of any (smiles).



4. What is your favorite type of boat and why?


C- Well, the first time we rented a boat to sail, Sergi Alós, the CEO of Top Sailing Charter, told us: "if you try a catamaran you will never stop sailing on a catamaran." And I listened to him and, indeed...

T- It's very comfortable.

C- The catamaran is very comfortable. It's like an apartment that sails and has sail. A catamaran with 2 floats, 4 cabins, 4 bathrooms, very comfortable.... An outside table, an inside...

T- A fantastic kitchen.

C- Ideal for sharing.

T- We can cook, we have good refrigerators...

C- Ideal to share with friends. I mean, it is, for me, sensational. In addition, there have been years when we have rented for 2 weeks. Sometimes, 2 catamarans: one for us and one for the boys, for the children. Well... for me, catamarans, all of them, are the ideal boat to spend a week on vacation.

T- And comfort.

C- I understand that pure sailors or those who do not want to travel without sailing and spend a few hours upwinding and so on, well, it will not be the right boat, but for me it is the ideal one to spend the holidays.



5. What time of year do you usually choose to sail?


C- We usually choose the month of June. Sometimes we started near the Verbena and then we moved towards the beginning of June because there is less attendance.

T- There is less tourism.

C- Less tourism. The weather is usually good, right?...

T- And we can enjoy empty coves without boats, without people...

C- And the price is not yet high season. It seems to me that it is the last week that is not high season and it is the one we usually choose, to benefit from the rates.



6. When you are sailing, on a voyage, what do you like the most?


C- Man... one of the most beautiful things is waking up sailing. In other words, having someone on duty and you sailing sleeping in the bunk is a very pleasant feeling for me. It's like they rock you, right? I also really like getting up very early in the morning, when the crew is sleeping, and going sailing while I'm alone. It is something that has always given me a lot of satisfaction. I don't know if you want to add anything...

T- Yes, the feeling of the open sea, the grandeur of the sea, the horizon, not having anything around you... it's fantastic.



7. And what activities do you prefer to do during your trips when you are not on board?


C- Man, well, just yesterday we traveled to land to see a sunset and we walked about 3 or 4 kilometers. That is, take a short walk, visit towns, understand the different way of living. For me, it is one of the pleasant things, local tourism.

T- Yes...

C- And, of course, good restaurants, nice dinners with the crew... Even shopping in the small local markets has its charm.



8. How many different countries or areas have you sailed in?


C- Well, when we had our boat we did the Mediterranean, the islands, Corsica and Sardinia...

T- Las Ieres...

C- Ls Ieres, the southern area of ​​France...

T- Balearic Islands...

C- And when we always rent Croatia. And we are in love with Croatia. And we always return to Croatia. It seems to me that this is the ninth year we have been going to Croatia. Croatia has about 1,300 islands off the coast, the distances between islands are very short, the crossings are very pleasant, when the weather is bad, the island always has a good side, the possibility of hidden places, of even being in coves without anyone yet It is possible in Croatia. We love Croatia.

T- It's very nice.



9. Mention a destination that you have yet to discover while browsing


T- Greece.

C- Greece, yes, but whenever they give us the choice between Greece and Croatia we return to Croatia. I mean, I don't know... (Smiles).



10. And finally, why would you recommend TSCH to other people?


C- Let's see, Top Sailing Charter has been our trusted broker throughout this time. They have always provided us with great boats, of a quality... They advise us on the boats. They have a very good relationship with the shipowners, so if there is any conflict, well, they always intercede. There have even been times when an owner has turned his back very much and Top Sailing Charter says "hey, whatever the owner doesn't cover, we'll cover it", which we refuse, but they are very gentlemanly people working, gentlemen. . They are sailors and both Sergi and his wife Bárbara, as well as Fanny and the other Barbara, those who work there, are people who are very fond of the sea. They understand you perfectly, they know perfectly well the advantages and disadvantages of the boats... They have navigated many places and they advise you on the routes... Ultimately, they are a trustworthy broker. You feel supported in the sense that when something happens, you always have the broker, in addition to your relationship with the shipowner.

T- And they have also always provided us with very good boats, which have been in very good condition.

C- Yes.




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